Work made at my Barn studio
"Piano" 68" x 68" Oil on canvas
"Main Stage" (from the Rehearsal Paintings exhibit) 60" x 84" / Oil on panel
"Hollywood," Oil on panel, 60"x84" 2021
"After the Flood" Oil on panel, 60"x84" 2021
"Tumble" Oil on panel, 60"x84" 2021
"Blip of the Moment" video for show at VisArts
”Maymont Park (Skewed House product placement),” oil on wood, 30" x 40", 2020
”Stretched House,” basswood (edition of 100), 3.5" x 3.5" x 11.5", 2020
”Terrace Portal,” oil on wood, 30" x 40", 2020
”Thermo Balling,” oil, enamel and tar on panel, 81" x 126", 2020
”Studio Interior,” tar, alkyd olive green on panel, 10" x 10", 2017
”Studio Series (Chuck Scalin),” tar on enamel, 12" x 12", 2018
”Rubble,” tar and enamel on canvas on panel, 20" x 20", 2018
”Warehouse,” tar on canvas, 36" x 84", 2018
”Institute for Contemporary Art,” tar and oil stick on panel, 10" x 10", 2018
”Flight,” oil on canvas, 40" x 40", 2015
”Empyrean Squall,” oil on canvas, 60" x 84", 2016
”Davit,” wood, latex on wall, 10' x 10', 2017
”Forced Evolution,” oil on wood, 60" x 84", 2016
”Very Sleepy River,” oil on wood, 81" x 128", 2014
”Cul de Sac,” oil on panel, 120" x 120", 2011
”Woodrail Cul de Sac,” oil on wood, 96" x 96", 2014
”Orbit,” oil on canvas, 65" x 80", 2016
”81 Beecycles,” oil on wood, 90" x 90", 2014
”Tilt,” acrylic and oil on PVC, 50" x 60" x 6", 2014
”Fable of the Transatlantic Tube Train,” oil on canvas, 96" x 108", 2007
”Untitled,” enamel and tar on wood, 2005
”Fable of the Transatlantic Tube Train Installation,” mixed media, 2005
”Connect,” oil on paper / charcoal on paper, 120" x 180", 2017
”Portals (series),” oil on canvas, 40" x 40", 1998
”Tree Hive,” oil on canvas, 30" x 30", 2013
”Wave,” oil on canvas, 27" x 37", 2010
”Abide,” oil on panel, 60" x 60", 2008
”Burrow,” ink on Dura-lar, 15" x 19", 2016
”Targets” ink on Dura-lar, 20" x 25", 2013
”Burrows” ink on Dura-lar, 20" x 25", 2013
”Hive,” Flippo Gallery, Randolph-Macon College Ashland, VA
”Capital Trail Poster Image” oil on panel, 22" x 28", 2017
”Richmond Folk Festival Poster,” oil on canvas, 24" x 36", 2011
”Thermo Baller,” oil on panel, 60" x 60", 2009
”Supermom,” oil on canvas, 108" x 192", 2004
”Sheep Stack,” oil on canvas, 30" x 30", 2011
”Deer Fort,” ink on paper, 20" x 24", 2010
”Dog Howls,” charcoal on paper, 30" x 40", 2008
”Cloud Factory,” oil on panel, 60" x 60", 2009
”The Wind Chill Factory,” ink on glass, 9" x 12", 2008
”Rabbit” oil on panel, 60" x 60", 2007
”Home,” 2009
Photo Test, 2009
”12 inches,” 2009
”Odebla” basswood, 2010
”Suddenly, Up in the Air,” oil on panel, 60" x 60", 2007